CW Operator

An Old CW Operator (Morse Code continuous wave) and a New CW Op were out in a fishing boat one day. The New CW Op said, “I wish I could operate CW as well as you.” Not saying a thing, The Old CW Op scratched his chin, set down his fishing pole and grabbed the New CW Op by the back of his head and pushed his face underwater outside the fishing boat, and held him there fighting for a long time. After a while, he released the New CW Op. “Why’d you do that?” the New CW Op wailed, gasping for air. The Old CW Op just leaned back and said, “When you want to learn CW as much as you wanted to breathe; then you will learn CW.”

“One does not DO Morse Code; One BECOMES a Morse Code operator. Like learning a musical instrument or a sport, Morse Code does not develop character; Morse Code reveals it.”

The straight key shown is a J-47.